Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Basic things in ABAP with example
Arithmetic expressions in ABAP
In ABAP you can program the following valid arithmetic expressions,
·         +                     Addition
·         -                      Subtraction
·         *                     Multiplication
·         /                      Division
·         **                   Exponentiation
·         DIV                 Integral division without remainder
·         MOD             Remainder after integral division
In our previous program we have written a set of commands for the arithmetic operations but the input to the variables where hardcoded in the program itself, now what if the user wants to enter the value during runtime?
What if he wants to enter different values each time?
So, we have to write a program which asks input from the user and gives the output.
To get input from user we should use the abap keyword ‘PARAMETERS’.
PARAMETERS: input1 type I,
            input2 type I.
 The variable Result should not be defined in parameters because we are not going to get an input to the variable result. (Therefore result should be defined by ‘DATA’)
Data types in abap
Data types
A data type or simply type is a classification for identifying types of data, such as integer, numeric, character etc. that determines the possible values for that type; the operations that can be done on values of that type; the meaning of the data; and the way values of that type can be stored.
Here in abap we can classify them into two groups.
·         Complete ABAP standard types ( length will be fixed except string and xstring)
·         Incomplete ABAP standard types

Complete types:
·         D
Type for date (D), format YYYYMMDD, LENGTH 8
·         T
Type for time (T), format HHMMSS, LENGTH 6
·         I
Type for integer (I), LENGTH 4
·         F
Type for floating point number (F), LENGTH 8
·         String
Type for dynamic length character string
·         Xstring
Type for dynamic length byte sequence (HeXadecimal string)
Incomplete types:
·         C
Type for character string, length should be specified.
·         N
Type for numerical character, length should be specified.
·         X
Type for byte sequence, length should be specified.
·         P
Type for packed number, length should be specified as well as decimal points should be specified.

So with these data types the user can define a variable in the program, (as how we used Integer in our program)
Conditional branches and logical expressions
In ABAP you have two ways to execute different sequences of statements.
·         IF
·         CASE

IF input1 > 0
ELSEIF input1 < 0
ELSEIF input1 = 0

CASE input1.
When ‘0’.
When ‘100’
When ‘200’

 As we know about the IF-statement and CASE-statement lets update our previous program (arithmetic calculation) using these conditional statements.

As you can see the keyword ‘PARAMETERS’ is used for getting input from user, we are getting three inputs from the user.
1.       Operand1 (input1)
2.       Operand2 (input2)
3.       The operators ( ‘+’ ‘-’ ‘*’ ‘/’)
And the output is stored in the variable ‘RESULT’ which is defined by the ‘DATA’ keyword.
Next comes the conditional operator,
 It checks whether the value in variable ‘SYMBOL’ is one of the symbols described there.
If the symbol is any of these ‘+, - , *, /’ it comes to the next statement (i.e. CASE-statement) or else it executes the ‘ELSE’ part.
Depending upon the symbol the case statement is executed i.e. when the symbol is ‘+’ it executes the addition and when the symbol contains the value ‘-‘ the operation subtraction is performed.
Whenever an operation is performed the result is stored in the variable ‘RESULT’, and at the end of the CASE-statement we are printing the result in the screen.
Now, come back to the IF-statement (line 16).
If the symbol contains value which is not defined there, it comes to the ELSE part.
The ELSE part contains the code for writing an error ‘symbol is not defined in the program’.
In line 16 the Relational operator OR is described after every condition.
See how the compiler reads the program.
Line16 -> Checks whether the value in symbol is ‘+’ OR‘-‘ OR‘*’  OR ‘/’ .
(If the value in symbol is any of the following above Line18 is executed or else Line 30 is executed)
Do you know :
·         Always give preference in using CASE-statements than IF-statements because it’s more transparent and performs better.
·         Always provide space between parentheses and operators since they are ABAP keywords

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